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# library(RhpcBLASctl)
# blas_set_num_threads(32)
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("YangLabHKUST/mfair")

The neocortex dataset

The spatial and temporal patterns of gene regulation during brain development have attracted a great deal of attention in the neuroscience community. The availability of gene expression profiles collected from multiple brain regions and time periods provides an unprecedented chance to characterize human brain development. Here we select genes with consistent spatial patterns across individuals using the concept of differential stability (DS), which is defined as the tendency for a gene to exhibit reproducible differential expression relationships across brain structures. We include 2,000 genes with the highest DS and get the expression matrix, where each row represents a sample tissue in the nercortex region and each column represents a gene. The sample_info data frame contains the sample information, where each row represents a sample tissue and the four columns respectively represent sample ID, neocortex area, hemisphere, and time periods.

Fitting the MFAI model

We use the expression matrix as the main data matrix \(Y\), and the spatial and temporal information contained in the sample_info data frame as the auxiliary matrix \(X\). Then we proceed to fit the MFAI model with top three factors.

# Create MFAIR object
Y <- neocortex$expression
X <- neocortex$sample_info[, c("Region", "Stage")]
mfairObject <- createMFAIR(Y, X, K_max = 3)
#> The main data matrix Y is completely observed!
#> The main data matrix Y has been centered with mean = 7.64309222668172!

# Fit the MFAI model
mfairObject <- fitGreedy(mfairObject,
  sf_para = list(tol_stage2 = 1e-6, verbose_loop = FALSE)
#> Set K_max = 3!
#> Initialize the parameters of Factor 1......
#> After 3 iterations Stage 1 ends!
#> After 812 iterations Stage 2 ends!
#> Factor 1 retained!
#> Initialize the parameters of Factor 2......
#> After 3 iterations Stage 1 ends!
#> After 415 iterations Stage 2 ends!
#> Factor 2 retained!
#> Initialize the parameters of Factor 3......
#> After 2 iterations Stage 1 ends!
#> After 131 iterations Stage 2 ends!
#> Factor 3 retained!

Spatial and temporal dynamics

To gain insights, we visualize the dynamic patterns of the top three factors across different neocortex areas and time periods, represented by \(\{ F_1 (\cdot) , F_2 (\cdot) , F_3 (\cdot) \}\).

region <- c("OFC", "DFC", "VFC", "MFC", "M1C", "S1C", "IPC", "A1C", "STC", "ITC", "V1C")
stage <- c(3:15)
X_new <- data.frame(
  Region = factor(rep(region, length(stage)), levels = region),
  Stage = rep(stage, each = length(region))
FX <- predictFX(mfairObject,
  newdata = X_new,
  which_factors = c(1:3)
# Normalize each factor to have l2-norm equal one
FX <- apply(FX,
  MARGIN = 2,
  FUN = function(x) {
    x / sqrt(sum(x^2))
FX <- data.frame(X_new, FX)
colnames(FX) <- c("Neocortex area", "Time period", paste("Factor", c(1:3)))
FX[, "Time period"] <- factor(FX[, "Time period"], levels = stage)
#>   Neocortex area Time period   Factor 1   Factor 2   Factor 3
#> 1            OFC           3 0.08541949 -0.1276331 -0.1413521
#> 2            DFC           3 0.08541949 -0.1304650 -0.1651130
#> 3            VFC           3 0.08557482 -0.1288645 -0.1367970
#> 4            MFC           3 0.08495090 -0.1271726 -0.1594441
#> 5            M1C           3 0.08557482 -0.1288645 -0.1607997
#> 6            S1C           3 0.08516747 -0.1288645 -0.1608590
# Convert the wide table to the long table
FX_long <- melt(
  data = FX,
  id.vars = c("Neocortex area", "Time period"), = "Factor", = "F"
#>   Neocortex area Time period   Factor          F
#> 1            OFC           3 Factor 1 0.08541949
#> 2            DFC           3 Factor 1 0.08541949
#> 3            VFC           3 Factor 1 0.08557482
#> 4            MFC           3 Factor 1 0.08495090
#> 5            M1C           3 Factor 1 0.08557482
#> 6            S1C           3 Factor 1 0.08516747
# Visualization of F(.)
p <- ggplot(
  data = FX_long,
    x = `Time period`, y = F,
    linetype = `Neocortex area`,
    colour = `Neocortex area`,
    group = `Neocortex area`
) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 0.5) +
  ylab(NULL) +
  theme_bw() +
  scale_y_continuous(n.breaks = 4) +
    text = element_text(size = 12),
    axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
    axis.title.x = element_text(size = 10, margin = margin(t = 3)),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
    legend.title = element_text(size = 12),
    legend.text = element_text(size = 10),
    legend.key.size = unit(0.8, "cm"),
    legend.key.width = unit(0.8, "cm"),
    legend.position = "right",
    panel.spacing.y = unit(0.2, "cm"), # Space between panels
    aspect.ratio = 0.4
  ) +
  facet_grid(Factor ~ ., scales = "free_y")

Gene set enrichment analysis

# Inferred gene loadings (corresponding to the W matrix in the MFAI paper)
gene_loadings <- mfairObject@W
rownames(gene_loadings) <- colnames(mfairObject@Y) # Assign gene symbols
colnames(gene_loadings) <- paste("Loading", c(1:3))
#>          Loading 1  Loading 2  Loading 3
#> DCUN1D2 -1.0973545  0.4754917 -0.4656467
#> ARRB1    3.7897678  0.5357535  0.3688403
#> PDE1B    0.1807732  3.1537712 -0.5730507
#> PDE7B   -0.1510914  3.2482200 -1.5126716
#> TOX      1.6022312 -1.6211514 -1.7326521
#> LOXHD1  -3.4764620  0.1372484  0.1020414
# Heatmap of the inferred gene loadings
  scale = "column",
  clustering_method = "complete",
  cluster_row = FALSE, cluster_col = TRUE,
  treeheight_row = 0, treeheight_col = 0,
  border = FALSE,
  show_rownames = TRUE, show_colnames = FALSE,
  cellwidth = 0.2, cellheight = 40,
  fontsize = 12

We first calculated the relative weight of the \(k\)-th loading for the \(m\)-th gene by \(\left| W_{mk} \right| / \sum_{k^{\prime}=1}^{3} \left| W_{mk^{\prime}} \right|\), where \(W_{m \cdot} \in \mathbb{R}^{3 \times 1}\) is the \(m\)-th row of gene loadings, and then selected the top 300 weighted genes in each loading to form the gene sets.

# Normalize each loading to have l2-norm equal one
gene_loadings <- apply(gene_loadings,
  MARGIN = 2,
  FUN = function(x) {
    x / sqrt(sum(x^2))

# Relative weight
gene_loadings <- abs(gene_loadings)
gene_loadings <- gene_loadings / rowSums(gene_loadings)

M <- nrow(gene_loadings)[1] # Total number of genes M = 2,000
ntop <- M * 0.15 # We use the top 300 weighted genes in each loading to form the gene sets

# Index of top genes
top_gene_idx <- apply(gene_loadings,
  MARGIN = 2,
  FUN = function(x) {
    which(rank(-x) <= ntop)

top_genes <- apply(top_gene_idx,
  MARGIN = 2,
  FUN = function(x) {
colnames(top_genes) <- paste("Loading", c(1:3))
#>      Loading 1 Loading 2 Loading 3
#> [1,] "ARRB1"   "PDE1B"   "AJAP1"  
#> [2,] "LOXHD1"  "PDE7B"   "KCNA3"  
#> [3,] "TYRP1"   "KCNA2"   "ASTN2"  
#> [4,] "PRKG1"   "PMP22"   "EMID1"  
#> [5,] "MS4A8B"  "GPR155"  "GPR52"  
#> [6,] "FAM131B" "SMAD2"   "SEC24D"

Then we can conduct the gene set enrichment analysis based on Gene Ontology for each factor.